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Tips from our recruiters

EY New Zealand

Let EY recruiters answer these top questions to help you land a role!


What degree do I need to join EY?

At EY, a lot of what we do doesn’t require a specific degree, so our applicants can be quite diverse. That’s why we like to see a person’s extracurricular activities on their resume, whether they’ve done any volunteer work or what sports teams they’re part of for example. We’re hiring you as a person, so any experiences you’ve had outside your studies provide a good gauge of who you are.

Marion D'Cruz

Campus Recruitment Senior Consultant, Auckland


How can I learn more about EY?

If you’re interested in a company, follow them on social media. Sign up to professional network platforms, connect with them, make sure you’re across all their events. At EY we hold a huge number of networking events where you have the opportunity to get an understanding of who we are as an organisation and where you might fit in. Every event is different, so you’ll be able to find one that suits you.

Emma Byrt 

Campus Recruitment Senior Consultant, Auckland


How can I stand out in a job interview? 

80% of an interview’s success comes down to preparation. If you have some examples prepared and questions ready to ask about the role, you’ll do so much better. At EY we’re all about asking better questions, so if someone comes into an interview without anything to ask us at the end, we’d really question how engaged they were. If we can see an applicant has taken the time to research the company and understands our values, it really makes them stand out. 

Marion D'Cruz

Campus Recruitment Senior Consultant, Auckland