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  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Steven Ly

I’m on our office’s health and wellbeing committee and today we have organised for a visit from a group of therapy puppies. Did you know that dogs can improve wellbeing and help us destress?

7.45 AM

My day starts with my morning commute to work. I carpool with my sister who works not far from the Arup office.

On the way to work

8.30 AM

I get to the office and pick a desk. I grab a free coffee from the closest barista in to our office....in our kitchen upstairs


9.00 AM

After coffee I jump straight into project work This morning, I am working on some modelling to help make Brisbane’s road infrastructure flood resilient.


11.00 AM

I’m on our office’s health and wellbeing committee and today we have organised for a visit from a group of therapy puppies. Did you know that dogs can improve wellbeing and help us destress?


1.00 PM

Lunch time! I grab a donut and wrap up an email before I head our lunch space with a few colleagues for lunch over a spontaneous watching session.


1.30 PM

I get stuck into modelling again, this time to help with modelling for a structure being constructed. (It’s always exciting to see our things being built) and then I jump into a team meeting to catchup with everyone and listen to updates.


3.00 PM 

Time for a break! I head to the wellness room with a couple of grads to play a quick game of FIFA on our PS5.


5.00 PM

I finish up the day by completing a few project deliverables and then meet up with my sister for a ride home. 

On the road