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Application Process & Interviews at BMD

8.1 rating for Recruitment, based on 32 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
With a basic knowledge of work and with some background experience in the field would help us with the interview process.
Graduate, Townsville - 12 Aug 2024
Interview process was not convoluted at all. Applied via online application and was then contacted for an interview.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Aug 2024
I first had a brief phone interview, which then led to an in-person interview. I was then required to do a brief take home assessment. I was then offered the job.
Graduate, Brisbane - 31 Jul 2024
Interview process was surprisingly fast. No assessment required, just a two-part interview process.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
It was a comfortable and professional experience.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
phone interview for the 1st round, then online video for the 2nd round
Graduate, Townsville - 30 Jul 2024
The hiring process could be faster and could have better communication from company to prospective employees as there was a fair amount of chasing up and starting the conversation to get the ball rolling.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Had one Interview through teams
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
Assessment process is really good, and BMD is picking the candidates who perfectly suits for the job.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
The interview process was great. I was invited to interview 2 months before my graduation date. The interviewer was approachable, friendly and easy to talk to.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Jul 2024
I remember taking one formal interview with the HR rep and the construction manager
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
The interviewer were very friendly and welcoming which helped reduce my nervousness.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
I didn't undertake any assessments prior to being employed, my interview process was as follows: 1. I applied online 2. Received phone call offering an interview. 3. Went in for interview with 2 x HR employees and 1 x Senior PM 4. Interview was good, was told I could start work 5. Was hired within a day or two
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
very transparent and value character to bring to team dynamics.
Graduate, Townsville - 01 Dec 2023
The interview process was very quick and easy for me. It was more of a generalised interview as I only had just finished university and had no prior experience in the industry.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2023
One interview in person and one over the phone
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2023
2 on 1 online interview, construction manager and HR. Each asks their own questions, relating to personal/behavioural & about BMD.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jan 2023
I had couple of interviews before joining BMD. I was interview in SA by mix of people in varying roles. I had a lovely conversation with them. They made me really comfortable with the new surroundings. Instead of asking the usual interview question, which make people feel fear and nervous, they took the approach different way, where they just simply have an open talk while getting to know me as a person.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Jan 2023
The hiring process was amazing, and they organise a lot of stuff for you, for the interview,. It was the Construction Manager who did my interview and it turneds out to be like a casual talk. I was so nervous at first but then when we started talking, I become comfortable and at the end of the interview, he told me the good news right away that they are happy to proceed with my application.
Graduate, Darwin - 18 Jan 2023
The process was very friendly, and I had a very casual interview. The interviewer just wanted to know what I know and what I want to achieve working at BMD.
Graduate, Melbourne - 18 Jan 2023
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
1. Experience 2. Skill 3. What are we upto? 4. Ambition 5. Interest
Graduate, Townsville - 12 Aug 2024
Talk about myself, my experience, what i do outside of work.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Aug 2024
I was asked about work experience and how it related to what BMD does. Work ethic questions.
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
They asked me about professional experience, educational experience, expectations and plans for my professional future.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
How do you cope with stress? Why you would like to work in construction industry?
Graduate, Townsville - 30 Jul 2024
About university, extra - curricular commitments, previous work experiences.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Why did i choose my degree and if i was motivated to work in the civils industry
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
As usual common interview questions.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
I was asked questions about my educational background, past work experience and why I considered working for the company.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Jul 2024
My experiences, my willingness to move to regional for work.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
I joined as a undergraduate student - My favourite unit in University - Why i want to join construction - Any previous experience - My availability - My hobbies outside of University
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
How's uni? Tell us about your work experience? Why you want to work here?
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
Particular areas of interest in construction. working away from home. attraction to construction industry.
Graduate, Townsville - 01 Dec 2023
Asked me a variety of different questions about my university degree and what I enjoy doing in my spare time.
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2023
One of the questions asked was do you prefer office or site as most people graduating from university wants to be a consultant. Other question asked was do you see yourself working in the industry or company for a long time.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Jan 2023
They asked me; -what are my expectations of the company? - where do I see myself in 10 years' time? - what are your expectations at work? - Can I manage the heat and rain when working on site?
Graduate, Darwin - 18 Jan 2023
A large variety. What is important to me.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Jan 2023
I was asked about my working history, and how I thought that would apply to the position. Asked about my people skills and dealing with difficult people in the workplace. Asked about my technical knowledge and how content I learned during my degree would apply to the position.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Jan 2023
Previous experience, salary expectations, 5 year look ahead, goals
Graduate, Brisbane, Australia (BNE) - 12 Jan 2023
Past work experience Hobbies Do I see myself in design or construction? Have you heard of BMD prior to the interview? How did you hear about the position? Start time, any expectations from the job I had long term career path
Graduate, Adelaide - 12 Jan 2023
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
Know what you learnt and what you did at your previous job.
Graduate, Townsville - 12 Aug 2024
Be prepared to step outside of your comfort zone and work on site to gain real experience.
Graduate, Perth - 07 Aug 2024
Graduate, Melbourne - 30 Jul 2024
Research our company thoroughly, understand our values, and be ready to discuss how your skills align with our goals. Practice common interview questions and be prepared to share specific examples of your achievements.
Graduate, Adelaide - 30 Jul 2024
Read more information about the company before the interview
Graduate, Townsville - 30 Jul 2024
Just be themselves and understand the demands of the role by networking with professionals in similar roles or from within the company before applying.
Graduate, Sydney - 30 Jul 2024
Do plenty of research one the company ask employer plenty of questions be keen and eager to learn
Graduate, Sydney - 29 Jul 2024
Technically strong. Don't be a book worm, need to learn practically and able to apply the skills that you learnt in your life. Driver's licence will give some added advantage.
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
My advice to future candidates would be to do some research about the company ahead of time to learn more about the company and decide whether it's the right fit for them.
Graduate, Brisbane - 29 Jul 2024
Just be yourself and be committed to putting in a good work ethic.
Graduate, Melbourne - 29 Jul 2024
Dress smart - Be confident - Be yourself. - Do not lie or exagerate your abilities
Graduate, Perth - 29 Jul 2024
Be honest with yourself and your interviewer. Keep in mind your attitude has more impact than what's written on your resume. I made sure to express my eagerness to begin work during my interview, and I believe that reassured the interviewers I'd be a solid selection for employment.
Graduate, Brisbane - 08 Jul 2024
Review company past projects and values.
Graduate, Townsville - 01 Dec 2023
Research into the company's values
Graduate, Brisbane - 01 Dec 2023
Research and understand what BMD stands for and its vision. Reflect on your objectives/goals and whether if your aligns with the firm. Always be yourself and do not afraid to ask questions.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Jan 2023
I advise to be themself and attend the interview.
Graduate, Adelaide - 18 Jan 2023
When applying, workout your resume first, don't put too much flowery words or details that will make your application unbelievable. When sending resume through email, compose an email with you r cover letter, in this case tell them about yourself and why would they choose to hire you. When they schedule you for interview, before coming in prepare a lot of interview question that possible they're going to ask you, so that you're mentally prepared and confidently answer them.
Graduate, Darwin - 18 Jan 2023
Be yourself and focus less on specifics and more on who you are and how you learn.
Graduate, Melbourne - 16 Jan 2023
Talk about the company culture during the interview. Be well prepared for the technical questions, but mention that you like the family culture and loyalty. Talk about career progression within the company, because lots of people have progressed from grads to upper management.
Graduate, Brisbane - 13 Jan 2023
Learning the history of the company eg, - How the company started and the values the company is built on Researching these things prior to interviewing helps to give an understanding as to the company and work environment that you are applying for.
Graduate, Townsville - 13 Jan 2023