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Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Study Mechatronics Engineering)

  • Bachelor (Honours)

With the Mechatronics Engineering major in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) you develop professional skills in several engineering disciplines, including complex technical, business and project management techniques.

Key details

Degree Type
Bachelor (Honours)

About this course

With the Mechatronics Engineering major in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) you develop professional skills in several engineering disciplines, including complex technical, business and project management techniques.

Course structure

Most courses last one semester and are worth 15 points. If you're a full-time student, you normally complete 120 points each year (480 points for the entire degree).

In addition to successfully completing all courses, you also need to complete a minimum of 800 hours of planned supervised work placement before graduation. The aim of the work experience is to expose you to engineering practices and management systems in the work environment.

Year 1

Students in all majors do the same courses in the first year. These courses cover mathematics and computational techniques, as well as the communication and teamwork skills that are essential for the team environment engineers work in.

Complete the following coursesYear 2Complete the following coursesAnd 30 points from any minor at AUT

Choose courses from any minor at AUT with the approval of the programme leader.

Year 3Complete the following coursesAnd 30 points from any minor at AUT

Choose courses from any minor at AUT with the approval of the programme leader.

Year 4Complete the following courses (offered from 2019)Workplace experience

Your individual industry project in Year 4 is your opportunity to gain real-life industrial experience in an engineering environment, under the guidance of an experienced supervisor.

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