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QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

  • 17% international / 83% domestic

Nicola Lim

Trust me, you can never be productive if you do not take a break from studying!

Hello everyone! I’m writing to you during the semester break in the lead up to Christmas. Today I will be sharing my day as the life of a student studying a double degree in Education and Dance.

7.00 - 7.30 AM

I start off my day by checking my QUT Blackboard and email for updates from my unit coordinators before creating a to-do list for the day.

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim qut sign

7.30 - 8.00 AM 

I like to pen down the daily tasks I have to accomplish on a notebook, with the most important tasks at the top of the list and the least important at the bottom. Gradually, I will tick off all the boxes which will leave me satisfied at the end of the day. PS. Things I include in my to-do list include assignments, readings, watching of lectures and lesson planning.

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim to do

8.00 - 8.30 AM

Afterwards, I will have a hearty breakfast and a quick bath to keep me energized for the day.

9.00 AM - 2.00 PM

From my previous experiences, I felt that I was more productive in my tutorials and lectures if I had them in the morning, so I try my best to schedule most of my lessons in the morning so that I am able to start finishing my to-do list without any disruptions. Another tip if you are wanting to attend university only 2-3 times a week is to try scheduling your classes such that they are back to back on those particular days so as to save travel time and energy!

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim schedule

2.00 - 3.00 PM

After attending my tutorials, I will either cook or buy lunch within the Kelvin Grove campus (eg. C Block or eateries around Woolworths) and enjoy an hour of a break before proceeding to finish my tasks.

3.00 - 5.15 PM 

This is the time where I will catch up on all my tasks and assignments. Z2 Block is my favourite place to be at when I need to stay focused on my assignments especially since it offers a 24-hour computer lab and I tend to work better when there are people around me. Alternatively, you can check out other studying spots like Z9, QUT Library etc. Quick tip if you are still stuck at home in your home country if you are easily distracted as I am occasionally, put your phone away or switch it on silent mode, paste an inspirational note to yourself on the table and list down your goals of the day. You could also put aside some snacks to keep you going (snack when you really need to)- all these will really help you to stay motivated!

5.15 - 6.30 PM

During this period of time, I like to spend some quality time alone and just take my mind off the heavy university workload. On a typical day, I will hit the gym and tidy my place. On the days where I am not up for hitting the gym or spring cleaning, I will take a stroll around the QUT Kelvin Grove campus and have a cup of coffee or window shop at nearby malls like Indooroopilly Shopping Centre. Trust me, you can never be productive if you do not take a break from studying!

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim acrobat

6.30 - 7.00 PM

This is usually my dinner time where I will relax and chill!

7.00 - 11.00 PM

After dinner, I will make sure that I have completed every single task on my to-do list before doing some light reading, be it for university or leisure. I will also ensure that I am well equipped for the day after, such as going over QUT Blackboard and completing the follow-up activities. I will also make it a point to keep in touch with my family back in my home country and update them with my daily activities.

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim garden


If you have completed all your assignments and tasks for the day and are looking for things to do at night:

  1. If you are still in Brisbane, do check out the Christmas lights in and around this area. See more info on this Facebook page: "Brisbane and surrounding areas Christmas lights guide".
  2. Did you know that most shopping malls close late on Thursdays at 9pm? Why not take this opportunity to shop or chill with your friends?
  3. Eat Street is officially open! Opening hours are: Fridays 4pm-10pm, Saturday 4pm- 10pm, Sunday 4pm-9pm. This is definitely one of my favourite places to go and have fun with my friends!
  4. Just chill on bed and watch on Netflix, to be very honest,  as a university student, you should treasure every moment of free time that you have to catch up on some much needed rest and to do the things that interest you.

QUT Graduate Nicola Lim heart