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QUT (Queensland University of Technology)

  • 17% international / 83% domestic

William Wu

As a young adult living with the motto 'time is the most precious treasure in the world', I try to make the best use of it'


My name is William and I just finished my bachelor degree in business and will now continue on doing a masters. University can be very busy so it's important to have a routine to stay focused and motivated. Here is my daily routine as a student at QUT.

7.00 AM

Ever since I was a child I always wake up when the alarm rings (sometimes I even may wake up an hour earlier). I make myself a cup of coffee and then a new day of my student life begins.

QUT Graduate William Wu gym

8.00 AM

The first thing I do in the morning is going to the gym. Usually, I will control the intensity of training and time to one hour. As a young adult living with the motto 'time is the most precious treasure in the world', I try to make the best use of it',  Afterwards I might listen to the recordings of some tutorial or watch some documentaries.

QUT Graduate William Wu at the gym

9.15 AM

Taking a hot shower after a sweaty gym session is always the best. When I finish the gym, I usually have breakfast and briefly check the news and then I'm ready for uni.

9.30 AM

Normally I will switch to study mode at 9:30 am, but due to the outbreak this year,  most things are online, so time is more flexible. The first thing I will do is checking my school calendar to see if I have classes to attend today. If it indicates yes, I will first do class reviews and prepare a list of questions to ask during the classes. If I have no class to do, I will start doing my assignments and then move to the internship work.

QUT Graduate William Wu Breakfast

12.00 PM

I try to keep my first two and a half hours of study time uninterrupted. To do so, I first prepare enough water and some snacks (nuts and fruits) and always stay in my room. If I am on campus, I will stay the whole time in the study room in the library. When the clock strikes 12 noon, I will stop studying and go for lunch. Thanks to work and study at home, I can prepare lunch without spending extra money on eating outside.

QUT Graduate William Wu work

1.00 PM

After lunch and cleaning up the dishes, it's time for the big time of my time, which I call it 'the big boy'.  Again, I will prepare enough water, several full bottles, and a snack for the rest of the day.

In the next hours, I will attend a tutorial or a class, communicating with my supervisors and teammates in my internship. Usually, it will take more than three hours, sometimes will even go beyond four hours.

4.00 PM

After a long day, I prefer to go to the gym again for a refresh. If I don't finish until 4:00 pm, I would postpone the refresh to 5:00 pm. Compared to the morning workout, the afternoon workout is focused on cardio such as rowing and cycling.

QUT Graduate William Wu dinner

5.00 / 6.00 PM

To me, when I finish the refresh workout, the study the day is over. The evening I will spend having dinner with my roommates or dinner on my own, hanging out and chatting on face time with my family.

QUT Graduate William Wu with friends