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UQ EUS Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Graduate stories
I would definitely say that studying environmental science has given me an advantage in my career; the skills I learned through the degree have been invaluable.

Sean Warren

  • Graduate stories
The coolest thing has been the opportunity to jump right in and start developing features and seeing them get pushed to production, even in your first few weeks. Seeing the impact you have had motivates you to keep learning and improving.

Seb Tobin-Couzens

  • Graduate stories
I was always amazed when I was able to use my knowledge from university to draft a memo which later went out to the client either in its original form or with only minor edits.

Sebastian Davies-Mills

  • Day in the life

Sebastian Lax

Sebastian Lax is now working as Trainee Development Manager, Apartment Residential Division at Mirvac
  • Graduate stories
My growth here is steady and fast. I started from working on a small project and I’m gradually getting more familiar with the whole development cycle.


  • Graduate stories
If you love fast-paced environments, change, and knowing that ultimately you are making a difference in so many ways, then you’ll love working in Group Operations!


  • Day in the life

Seowon Kang

In the morning, I often go to site visits with the Infrastructure Connections Coordinator- Cliff Whittaker. We visit sites to measure distances to boundaries to create quotes for new Three Waters Connections.
  • Graduate stories
During my engineering study, I realised that the infrastructure is like air as it is everywhere, but we are never aware of its importance. I wished to work for it and now I am here!

Seowon Kang