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UQ EUS Careers Directory Profiles

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  • Day in the life

Ariel Mukherjee

Ariel Mukherjee studied Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) at the University of Newcastle and is now a Quality Associate at CSL.
  • Graduate stories
Making the customer feel comfortable and giving good suggestions to them if something went wrong and working along with them to correct things will make me think I am doing my role in the right way.

Arvind Kumar

  • Day in the life

Arvind Kumar

I carry out the requested inspections on site, take some photos to make the report, and if the work complies with the building consent, it will pass the inspection.
  • Graduate stories
“Hard choices, easy life… easy choices, hard life”. With that said, the thing I love most about my job is that I get to learn and grow as part of the process, and there is no shortage of challenges to face and hurdles to overcome.

Ash Callaghan

  • Graduate stories
The best moments are when or if clients/farmers come in and praise you for your help and recommendation after they have had a great result.

Ash Sanders

  • Graduate stories
Being a part of these types of agreements is a highly rewarding process, especially when a matter concludes after months of negotiation and hard work.

Ashlee Broadbent

  • Graduate stories
I really enjoy the culture of McConnell Dowell and appreciate the supportive and friendly environment.

Ashlee Othen

  • Graduate stories
Ashleigh Cockburn studied a Bachelor of Social Science at the University of Waikato and is now a Policy & Programs Officer at ACT Government.

Ashleigh Cockburn