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Project Everest Ventures

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Project Everest Ventures Videos

Development Like You've Never Seen It | We are Project Everest Ventures

We believe that the world's biggest social issues can be solved using social enterprise. We believe we can democratise development. We believe that we can enable 1 billion people by 2030.

Making an Impact in India

Since July 2019, we've been shaping social impact in the awesome state of Odisha in India. With projects across clean energy infrastructure, fuel sustainability, and Agtech consulting, and partnerships with local organisations, universities and communities, it's a pretty incredible place to get to enable some real world impact.

Project Everest - The Carrot

At Project Everest we solve social issues within communities using enterprise by creating businesses that offer socially beneficial goods or services.

Pat's leader story

Meet Pat. This is his first time in Malawi, second time as a team leader, and third project to be part of. Wow!

Sorrell | Leaders in Action

Spotlight on Team Leader Sorrell; back in Malawi with the Social Consulting project over December '18.

Fuel Project | Timor Leste

Following the success of our fuel projects in Fiji developing rocket stoves, we've taken to Timor Leste to assess the viability and feasibility of implementing a similar fuel-based project here.

Solar Consulting

In realising the seventh sustainable development goal, Project Everest Ventures has engaged in projects to enable access to alternate energy sources.

Everest Recycling Solution | Timor Leste | PE Ventures

Why is recycling such a huge, important social issue that we need to tackle?

Gabe's leader story

Gabe is our resident go-to-man for all things Health Consulting in Malawi - despite his PEV roots stemming back to Cambodia over a year ago!